Hello Danielle here, I wanted to reach out to you personally about what we are doing here at Ellie Ellie to support both our staff and our customers.
Our top priority is to make sure we keep everyone in the team safe while continuing to run the business and fulfil orders as normally as possible.
Thankfully no suspected cases of COVID-19 have been reported amongst our staff. Our Order Fulfilment team are still operating at full capacity and are well stock with all the materials we need to fulfil our customer's orders. Therefore there is currently no change to our services.
Our top priority is to make sure we keep everyone in the team safe while continuing to run the business and fulfil orders as normally as possible.
Thankfully no suspected cases of COVID-19 have been reported amongst our staff. Our Order Fulfilment team are still operating at full capacity and are well stock with all the materials we need to fulfil our customer's orders. Therefore there is currently no change to our services.
- We have been continuing to follow government guidelines closely and yesterday we took steps towards the Head Office team being removed from the workshop and working from home until further notice in order to minimise risk to our workshop staff and the normal running of the business.
- Strict hygiene standards are being followed in our workshop with regular and thorough hand washing when staff arrive, before and after eating and when leaving the workshop.
- A two-metre rule between all staff during shifts and breaks.
- Assigned computers, HTT’s and lockers
- Antibacterial wipes have been provided for use before and after any communal equipment.
- A daily ‘clean down’ rota has been put into place
- All travel within the company has been suspended
- All visitors to the site have been suspended, unless essential.
- A strict ‘Goods in’ procedure has been put into place to avoid risk with our deliveries and courier service.
- As the situation evolves, we are continuing to follow advice from the UK Government here: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response and will continue to update you as and when required.
As most of you know togetherness is one of our core values at Ellie Ellie and there couldn’t be a more important time for me to talk to you about the importance of coming together. Therefore I have popped a few suggestions below of ways you can help each other during these uncertain times.
- Print these postcards out and scatter a few in letterboxes around your neighbourhood. You can write your details on them and those who are self-isolating or in need of help, like the elderly, can get in touch with you if you're more able or have supplies you can share. https://www.countryliving.com/uk/news/a31654244/printable-postcard-self-isolation-coronavirus/
- Adopt a Healthcare Worker: this Facebook group facilitates connections between anyone offering to lend a hand to healthcare workers who are unable to look after themselves (too busy, too unwell, too isolated) due to corona virus: https://www.facebook.com/groups/666739964088379/
- Support your buisness'. Many of these are taking steps to keep you safe, but their businesses might not survive this pandemic. Pop in quickly for a takeaway, call ahead to order a takeaway lunch (breaks up that working from home monotony), just ask them how they're going.
- Check-in on each other. Many of us will be working from home for a while and feeling quite lonely or feeling panicked after quite a scary few months, or our livelihood will be threatened. Don't forget to check in on your friends during this time with a text message or even better a call.
- Advocate for others: contact your local council, your local MP, anyone you need to about measures they're taking to protect our communities. Dish out some side-eye to that guy whose trolley has more frozen corn than is humanly possible to need in the next 6 months.
- Share your stuff, and if you've been hoarding and feeling guilty about it, see the first suggestion as a way to offload that guilt and the 43 packets of pasta taking up space in your pantry.
Keep safe everyone, we can get through this as long as we all work together. Love and kindness from myself and the Ellie Ellie team during this tough time.